Body Painting
Body painting was a service offered by Rebecca Cragg (no longer offered since the closure of Camellia House in March 2020).
Subject and Symbols
Whether the wisdom of the lotus, covering the body in lilies of love, or empowering the client with dragons or phoenix, traditional brush painting subjects each have their own power, their own symbolic meaning. Since the skin is our largest organ, the clarity of the painter, and the gift to the wearer’s body is an important energetic exchange. Before sessions, Rebecca spent time preparing the paint, but also in quiet and meditation. During the session, clients were encouraged to rest in quiet, contemplating the feather-light touch of the brush, enjoying the tranquility and allowing skin and spirit to drink in the painting. Rebecca does not give referrals for this service or know of others who offer this style of body painting.
Paints Mehron Professional body paints only were used and wash off in the shower easily. To read more about Mehron ingredients read HERE. **if you have any skin allergies or concerns perhaps it is best to avoid body painting or consult your doctor.**
Rebecca worked intuitively, considering the person, their body and sought to create a relaxing and beautiful, soothing experience for the guest as they enjoyed the calm atmosphere of Camellia House. Rebecca no longer offers body painting sessions to new clients.
“The work of Rebecca from Camellia Teas – Thank you ma belle for this amazing experience of being your canvas (or fourth treasure in calligraphy – brush, ink and stone being the three other treasures). Tu as transformé mon dos avec tant de finesse. Merci.”
How was your experience with Rebecca and body painting?
“au début, c’était comme de la pluie fraîche, puis cela est devenu comme des si des plumes se déposaient sur ma peau, des plumes et des larmes, puis c’est devenu des spirales et des courbes.
Merci pour cet échange et cet oeuvre d’art”